Des Allen is an Assistant Vice President in the Regional and Community Outreach department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, which works to advance economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities by addressing the root causes of inequity. She is responsible for managing a portfolio of strategic engagement efforts to transform the economic systems that impact LMI families and communities. This work includes supporting local municipalities in advancing racial equity in their policies and processes, working with employers to ensure job quality for LMI workers, and advancing efforts to improve early child care systems to ensure that they meet the needs of working parents. Des also sits on the Alumnae Board of The Winsor School. She holds a BA from Stanford University and an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School.

Why CWE?

I am the daughter and grand-daughter of dynamic women who used entrepreneurship to create economic security, resilience, and mobility for their family and the generations to follow. I also tried my hand (very briefly) and found it incredibly rewarding, and the hardest thing I have ever put my mind and heart to. Lastly, I spent the better part of my career developing strategies for transformational economic growth – and no matter the economy, women and entrepreneurs are the drivers of economic transformation. For these reasons, I am honored to be a part of an organization that is doing such critical work at one of the most poignant times in our economy. I am excited for the possibilities!