Help women achieve their dreams.
Your time and talent help women take their businesses further, and create more impact for themselves and their communities.
The Center for Women & Enterprise hosts workshops on topics of interest to entrepreneurs in all stages of business, including those in transition. Because many of these workshops are free to attend, we rely on our accomplished volunteers for content and instruction.
Want to provide direct technical assistance to women entrepreneurs? We’re always looking for volunteer consultants who specialize in small business management — like market research, marketing strategy, human resources, and operational and financial management. An MBA or entrepreneurial experience is required.
Help us raise funds and make a bigger impact by volunteering at one of our several annual fundraisers. We could always use the help with planning, fundraising, marketing, and client relations.
Being a part of the CRC connects you with other professionals dedicated to helping women take their business to the next level by becoming WBENC-certified. As a CRC Member, you’ll join monthly meetings with other members to review materials from prospective applicants. Together, the committee either recommends or does not recommend a prospective WBENC-certified business for approval to CWE’s President & CEO.
Site Visitors meet with women business leaders seeking to get certified as women-owned with WBENC. This is a great way to get to know established women-owned businesses and help them achieve their goals of woman-owned certification. As a Site Visitor, you’ll meet virtually, and if you’re interested, in person, with prospective WBENC applicants to verify the information in their application for woman-owned certification.
Send us an email for more details about becoming a CWE volunteer.