Your gift helps CWE continue to provide affordable classes, offer a sliding fee scale, so that anyone with a business dream can work with us, and deliver programs & services where they are needed most.
Thanks to you, last year CWE helped over 6,766 people find way to not only achieve their dream but to create economic activity resulting in new businesses, new jobs and increased wages.
ART Payroll
Babson College
Bay Colony Development Corp.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Cambridge Savings Bank
Cape Cod 5
Citizens Bank
Comcast Cable
CVS Health
DPR Construction
East Cambridge Savings Bank
Eastern Bank
Ernst & Young LLP
Eversource Energy Services Company
Globalization Partners
Goodwin Procter LLP
Insource Services
iTech Solutions, Inc. - Ampcus
JPMorgan Chase
Kirkland Ellis LLP
Lamont, Hanley & Associates, Inc.
Lancaster Packaging
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC)
MFS Investment Management
MIDIOR Consulting and Susan Loconto Penta
Monotype Imaging Inc.
National Grid
Peapod Digital Labs
PNC Bank
Polaris Direct, LLC
Price Chopper's Golub Foundation
SiJo Home
State Street Corporation
Supporting Strategies Boston
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd
TD Bank, N.A.
TD Charitable Foundation
The Boston Beer Company, Inc.
The TJX Companies, Inc.
University of Rhode Island
Verizon Foundation
Whole Foods Market
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
Worker's Credit Union
Beveridge Family Foundation
BNY Mellon Private Wealth Management
Cambridge Community Foundation
Capital One
Community Foundation for MetroWest
Eastern Bank Foundation
Eos Foundation
Frieze Family Foundation
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
June Rockwell Levy Foundation
Leader Bank
M&T Charitable Foundation
Mabel A. Horne Fund
Metrowest Women's Fund
PNC Foundation
Santander Bank Foundation
TD Charitable Foundation
The Boston Foundation
The Highland Street Foundation
The Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation
The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
Webster Five Foundation
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)
Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation (MGCC)
State of Vermont - Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
U.S. Small Business Administration
Christina Adams
Inna Adler
Joel Adler
Marni Allen
Jennie Allen
Leslie Amodei
Peggy Anneser
Brenda St. Arnaud
Debbie Aurelio
Aleksandra Azbel
Michael Bach
Wayne Baltzer
Jeff Baltzer
Meggie Barrow
Jamie Becker
Mary Bentley
Michael Betts
Jen Bianco
Debbie Bing
Heidi Blackmer
Mary Bloem
Marty Blue
Beth Boland
Jeff Booth
Danielle Boudreau
Liz Bouvier
Julie Bowditch
Kristen Bowker
Bernice Bradin
Eddie Prosper-Brousseau
Carol Bryce-Buchanan
Nancy Burke
Jill Cane
Sharon Carlson
Marcy Chant
Jiali Chen
Tristan Christensen
Kristin Brown Close
Jody and Scott Cole
Katherine Collins
Sarah Costa
Johanna Courtemanche
Erin Cox
Sarah Coyne
Kyle Credle
Michael Cronin
Debra Cushman
Maggie Daigle
Liz Daoust
Roslyn G. Daum
Kim Gordon Davis and Judith N. Davis
Dana DeBlasi
Maryalice DeCamp
Wally DeGuglielmo
Katie Deibert
Elaine Desmond
Deborah Dobbins
Peggy Dorf
Christina Dorobek
Eric Doversberger
John Doyle
Madeleine Drouin
Paul Ducharme
Maura Dunn
Thomas Edstrom
Shelley Edwards
Mark English
Jenny Evans
Marti Ferdman
Franchescha Fernandez
Bob Foley
Anne Forbes
Nicole Forbes
Frieze Family Foundation
Ellinger Family Fund
Annemarie Furey
Rita Ann Gabriel
Jordan and Erik Gauthier
Bonnie Giandrande
Danielle Giannone
Peggy Glover
Joan Goldberg
Karen Golz
Amanda Gosselin
Ruth Grayson
Diane Green
Jill Greenthal
Russell Greenwald
Judith Greulich
Barbara Gross
Dave Gusella
Drs. John and Olga Guttag
Gina Gutzeit
Lindsay Halverson
Cristine Hammer
Nancy Hammett
Kristen Hansen
Shoma Haque
Rebecca Herter
Amy R. Hiatt
Sachem Hodgson
Ellen G. and Stephen Hoffman
Kathryn Hogan
Sara Hollander
Katie Hough
Diane Huster
Cara Hutchins
Gabriel Immerman
Gretta Jacobs
Peter Jensen
Georgia Johnson
Laurie Katz
Olivia Katz
Kevin Kelly
Louise Kennedy
Dara Kesselheim
Margot Kimball
Gabrielle King
Michael King
Jonathan King
Jack Kintzing
Katherine Knowlton
Amy Konary
Ashley Kramer
Robin and David Kramer
J. Wesley Kussmaul
Marianne Lancaster
Nicole and Scott Landers
Harold Leach
Pamela F. Lenehan and Lawrence E. Geuss
Julie Levin
Mela Lew
Jenny Lewis
Dan Lipton
Jordan (Litke) Gauthier
Marcia Litke
Jeff Loeb
Katharine Lord
Martin Loughlin
Allegra Lowitt
Mary Lummis
Amy Lussier
Madeleine Lutts
Wendy Mackenzie
Jaime Mahoney
Naheed Malik
Stefania and George Mallett Fund
Helene Maltzman
Charlene Huard-Marcoux
Amy Margolis
Ben Marshall
Julie and Jim Matheson
Connor McDonald
Ramona McFall
Carol McKean
Jamie McLaughlin
Amy McMahon
Patrick McMahon
Naomi Meyer
Jackie Miller
Jim Miller
Andrea Mintz
Cara Morgan
Marcia Morris
Kathryn I. Murtagh
Anju Nagpal
Jane Nelson
Carrie Newton
Aiden Nguyen
Kathy and Doug O'Brien
LiXin Olsen
Kimberly Olson
Queen Allotey-Pappoe
Jennifer Parker
Susan Loconto Penta and Charles C. Penta
John Pereira
John J. Petrowsky
Jane Philippi
Alec Pleet
Jill Preotle*
Lisa Prior
Anjali Ramakumaran
Eileen Recore
Susan Rittscher
Jennifer Rivers
Marta Rosa
Julie & Fredric & Family Rosenberg
Jerry and Lili Sachar
Katie Sack
Heather Saczynski
Rhonda Sargent
John Savignano
Whitney Savignano
Jackie Savoie
William Schawbel
Linda Brenner Semela
Jonathan Shafmaster
Fawad Shamshad
Harry Shanley
Mike Shaw
Doug Shaw
Alison Shaw
Julie Sherman
Betsy and Will Shields
Michael Shih
Jackie Shoback
Rachel Silbert
Andrea C. Silbert
Kevin Simes
Cindy and Andy Smith
Ann and Alan Spector
Lisa Spector
Carder Starr
Mark Stein
Matthew Steinkrauss
Carol Stevens
Liora Stone
Carol Strelic
Megan Sullivan
Stephanie Paré Sullivan
Lindsey Sutton
Anne and Mike Szostak
Carrie Tamm
Jacqueline Taylor
Deb and James Taylor
Marianne Thompson
Laurie J. Thomsen
Tracy Thorpe
Amy Wang
Paul Warn
Deanne Wherry
Deborah Whitcomb
Zack Whitcomb
Colleen White
Denna Williams
Rick Winters
Toni Wolfman
Lisa Wood
Constance Wright
Laura Van Zandt
Jennifer Zavala
Inkind Donors
Aesthetic Dental Studio - RI
Queen Allotey-Pappoe
Erin Baumgartner
Beauport Hotel Gloucester
Kathleen Bellicchi
Bluemoonstone Creations
Boston Bruins
Boston Harbor Now
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Bristol Clothing
Boston Crawling
Boston Harbor Distillery
Broken Arrow
Canyon Ranch
Cape Air
Cheeky Monkey Home
Chica de Gallo
Citizens Bank
Clandestine Kitchen
Cyprian Keyes Golf Club
Robin Dziuba
Elite Island Resorts Caribbean
Ellen G. Hoffman
Encore Boston Harbor
Everlasting Herb Farm
Four Seasons Hotel
Jordan and Erik Gauthier
Joeci Gilchrest/You Name It Creatives
Golden Dog Adventure Company
Raquel Goncalves Photography
Hotel Commonwealth
Jasper Hill Farm
Lioness Beauty
Olivia Katz
King Arthur Baking Company
Pamela F. Lenehan
Local Goods Gathered
Barbara Lynch Collective
Makes u Wanna
Mallory Portraits
Marcia Morris
Musings on The Vine
Narragansett Sailing School
Nina McLemore, LLC
Nurture by NAPS
Persimmon Restaurant
PSP Imports
RENU Naturals
Ashley Reichheld
Roger Ritt
Susan Rittscher
Spirit Airlines
Tea Forte
The Boston Red Sox
The Omni Parker House Hotel
The Steamship Authority
Tiny Farmhouse By Amy McCoy
Toscano Boston
Total Wine & More
What A Wood Work
Lisa C. Wood
Whimsy Wreath
Constance S. Wright
XV Beacon Hotel
Zoar Outdoor
Jennifer Zavala
We greatly appreciate each gift and sponsorship given in support of the Center for Women & Enterprise. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. Please notify our Director of Development & Events, Deb Aurelio of any inaccuracies or omissions by contacting her at, We apologize for any errors.
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Join the CWE family of corporate partners and sponsors and create value for your community, your employees, and thousands of women working to become financially self-sufficient.