CWE's Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, Social Justice (IDEAS) Vision

Our practice of IDEAS extends to everything we do both internally and externally. As a people-centered organization, we believe that taking care of ourselves is an imperative step to serving others. To model the self-advocacy and deep relationships our clients need to launch and sustain successful businesses, we support and encourage each other to establish and respect personal and professional boundaries. Through transparency, accountability, and internal ownership we steward IDEAS values in our culture and programs individually and collectively.

For our services to be a trusted and impactful source of empowerment and equity, we acknowledge that client success fuels our success; research and data-based decisions ensure our approaches remain informed and relevant; and diverse funding sources enable us to prioritize our clients’ needs and mission. We welcome progress and change, recognizing that what IDEAS means to the organization and its stakeholders is constantly evolving.

To stay on the cutting edge, we remain adaptable, willing to listen and advocate where appropriate and to actively seek out different voices from the many stakeholders that enrich our work and communities.