October 20, 2021

This piece originally appeared on NBC5 News on October 14, 2021

BURLINGTON, VT —Thousands of female business leaders from around New England are gathering virtually for the Center for Women & Enterprise's (CWE) annual Women Leaders Business Conference.

It comes at a time when women business owners are bearing the brunt of the economic recession, or "she-cession," brought on by the pandemic.

Data collected by CWE shows Black and Latinx women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic when it comes to their businesses.

The organization says that's because the majority of women are tasked with juggling work and home life balance. The conference is meant to bridge the gap by offering new resources to help these women re-invent the wheel.

"They are the first to get let go of jobs, they tend to be paid less. So there's all these economic disparities that all kind of come to a head during a time like this," said Gwen Pokalo from the Center for Women & Enterprise VT.