February 26, 2022

Sarah Bertochi"I am acutely aware of doing my part (however small) to reduce my environmental impact. I do this by printing with water base eco-friendly inks, using all natural materials such as linen or cotton and incorporate recycled fabrics for all my interior linings. My handmade business is growing so I reached out [to CWE] to get advice/suggestions on how to best scale my business. I am also just beginning to look for a retail storefront and was seeking information about funding opportunities and how to best navigate that process."

Sarah is a surface pattern designer. She hand screen prints her original designs onto eco friendly fabrics which are then cut/sewn into handbags, home decor and accessories. Sarah is proud of that fact that every aspect of her process is made by her own hand; she designs the fabric pattern and hand screen prints the fabric. All products are cut/sewn in Massachusetts, mostly by Sarah but also outsourced to other small women owned businesses when volume warrants it.

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