February 14, 2023

CWE has been extremely helpful with providing the resources and the support that every woman needs. It is comforting to understand the next steps to my business as a whole.”

Jessika Rozki

What inspired Jessika's Business?

As a working mother taking care of her daughter, Jessika started her professional transportation services for children and teens because of the need to provide a reliable and safe alternative for working families like her own. The demand for these services quickly took her business to another level. She now specializes in underserved children in western Massachusetts.

Business Highlight

Jessika's company is part of an amazing community and Rozki Rides helps so many parents on an everyday basis that her company has grown into one of the greatest companies in the area. Her employees love being part of her team and she has been able to create more jobs. By continuing to provide the exceptional services her community deserves, Jessika looks forward to growing sustainably and has recently secured new office space to support her growing business.

How Has CWE Helped Her in Her Journey?

Jessika's first experience with CWE was with a Power Forward Class she took to help her gain a greater understanding into the next steps of her business. She is currently in the process of working on minority-owned and women-owned business certificates and is also looking for funding to obtain newer vehicles to meet the demands of her services. Jessika's experience with CWE has been invaluable by providing her with all the resources and support every working woman needs.

Jessika is also very excited to announce that she has just secured office space!

For more information, please check out: