February 14, 2023

From one-on-one meetings to specialty workshops to help with my website, CWE has been so supportive to me on this journey as a new business owner.”

eanette Walker

What inspired Jeanette's Business?

The alarming epidemic of chronic illness prompted Jeanette to start her own business to serve women with autoimmune, digestive, or mental health issues who do not get better with conventional care. Her passion about healing oneself naturally is a key driver for her business.

Business Highlight

As a brand new business owner since June 2022, Jeanette had already felt the impact of her services in helping people overcome chronic illness with her functional nutrition counseling approach. She has applied for a grant through the city of Northampton to work with low-income women.

How Has CWE Helped Her in Her Journey?

Jeanette first discovered CWE through Valley Community Development in Northampton, MA. Since then, she has been able to gain valuable strategic and technical insights to support her business. From one-on-one sessions on website development to workshops on social media, CWE has provided the knowledge and support Jeanette has needed on her journey as a new business owner. As the sole owner of her business, Jeanette wears many hats and the help and support she has received from CWE has been invaluable. She looks forward to learning more about marketing and networking strategies as she continues to slowly grow her client base.

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