February 25, 2022

Candida Castillo"The Center for Women and Enterprise helped me in my journey by providing the resources needed to make the baby step to move my business forward. After taking the program, I was able to identify critical parts of my business and how to evaluate my progress."

The Aesthetic Dental Studio of RI is a dental practice, located in North Providence. They provide holistic/ biological dental services/treatment for adults and children. Services range from simple oral health maintenance to oral surgery to replace missing teeth with implants or prosthetics. Candida sets her business apart by providing certified biological/holistic dental services to the community, where body-mouth-relationship is an integral part of every individual treatment plan. We provide certified SMART protocol for mercury removal, metal free prosthetics, biocompatible dental material, ozone treatment, as well as the highest safe technology for treatment plan and diagnostic.

Aesthetic Dental Studio of RI logo