February 15, 2023

The most valuable takeaway from CWE for me has been the networking and soaking in all the experiences of the people whose stories I have been able to learn about from this platform.”

Aura Fajardo

What inspired Aura's Business?

Aura's chocolate journey started with her growing family's need for birthday cakes. This inspired her to learn more as she signed up for classes at Johnson & Wales thinking she was going to become a cake decorator. While her first chocolate class was scary for her, it led to an internship at Hebert's Candy Mansion (Massachusetts) and that is where she claims she discovered the magic of chocolate. After polishing her skills as a chocolatier in a wholesale bakery, she was finally ready to build her own brand with Aura's Chocolate Bar.

Business Highlight

Aura's mission is to share chocolate love expressed in the form of premium, small-batch artisan chocolates to satisfy your cravings and unleash your senses. Her business has been growing steady in both revenue and loyal customers. As she celebrated the anniversary of her 5th year in business, Aura's Chocolate Bar was awarded the "Best Local Chocolates" Award in Rhode Island Monthly Magazine.

How Has CWE Helped Her in Her Journey?

Aura first encountered CWE in the early stages of her chocolate business. While attending the CWE Gala, Aura realized the wonderful group of women that were working hard for other women on their paths to success and she was excited to be a part of this supportive group. One of the most valuable takeaways from her experience with CWE has been the networking and opportunity to connect with other people and learn their stories of success.

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