March 20, 2023

There is such genuine support from CWE. With CWE, I know I am not alone, and I am not afraid. I am empowered to grow my company and support other women and girls to dream the same.”

Wangari Fahari

FAHARI Wangari Video Clip

What inspired Wangari's Business?

Wangari Fahari is a Kenyan singer, writer, and activist. She started Fahari Records to enhance the visibility and expansion of African artists for greater engagement, appreciation, and understanding worldwide.

Business Highlight

Fahari Records is an arts, culture, and music company in entertainment, healing, and education.

Wangari is best known for her modern African soundscapes taking an unusual and innovative approach. Abandoning straight-ahead singing and instrumentation of the Swahili folk and Taarab. Instead, she features opportunities for continuous improvisation and fusion featuring musicians from different parts of the world.

How Has CWE Helped Her in Her Journey?

CWE helped Wangari overcome one of her largest obstacles - developing her business plan. As a black, female business owner, she had really struggled with this planning and found it intimidating.

Through CWE, Wangari worked with a coach who helped her to develop her business woman voice and community. This has led to friendships and collaborations. She has found genuine support from CWE and no longer feels alone or afraid. As her confidence has grown, so too has her client list. She received three cultural council awards in January 2023 and has forged strong partnerships with Essex County Community Fund, received fiscal sponsorship, and is excited to take her business to the next level through increased funding, social media marketing, and worldwide digital distribution with SYMPHONIC.

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