Find Your Path
Congratulations! You are in the EXPLORATION PHASE of your business journey! You are interested in exploring the idea of having a business. You might have questions about what it is like to be a business owner, what you want your business to be, or what the business world is all about.

The best way to make the most out of CWE’s offering at this phase is to....
- Take our Exploration Phase Workshops. (See the link below)
- Visioning for Entrepreneurs
- Is Entrepreneurship Right for You?
- Finding Your Business Spark
- Join our online CWE Community Hub. We know that being a business owner can be a lonely journey, so we are here to support you with community as you go. In this community you will find CWE clients who are going through the same joys & challenges as you are! Let no question go unanswered, by joining our online community. To join our hub, please sign up as a client below!
Your next steps are to …
- Decide if you want to be your own boss.
- Find your business idea.
Once you have made progress on the above steps, come back, and take this assessment again to get your next steps for the next phase!