Congratulations! You are in the GROWTH PHASE of your business! We think of growth in a holistic sense. You may very well be looking to grow your business, but you may also want to keep your business size while growing as a business owner. What matters is that you are looking to grow in the way that works best for you. That might mean adding staff, strengthening your understanding of your business, automating annoying tasks, changing a location, adding a location, increasing sales, mechanizing your production, taking on a national distributor or digging deeper into your business.

Icon - Graph - Growth

Depending on your exact scenario, there are a couple of options to make the most of CWE’s offerings at this phase...

Your next steps will likely look like....

Take in a capital infusion (loan, investment etc) to allow growth

* Please note that most people who take this class are brand new business owners. As an existing business owner, you may find the information too basic for you but we have had many existing business owners who really want to fully redevelop their business have great success taking this class!